When I turned 8 years old, my relationship with my mother was suddenly broken. “Retorno” is a photographic attempt to make sense of and hold on to what I lost prematurely. But to forget the pain of the breakup is also to forget the love before the breakup. My project functions then as a way to immobilize the memories and the psychogeographic landscape, a space to preserve the beautiful and the terrible of memory. Is it possible that the beaches, seawalls and cliffs of the beaches, seawalls and cliffs of the city of Lima, influence the behavior and emotions of the people who inhabit it? Who am I in that place? Who are we in that place? This project also reflects on the possibility that our personal histories and their relationship with these spaces may be with these spaces are more closely linked than we think.


« El mar es un alma que tuvimos, que no sabemos dónde está, que apenas recordamos nuestra –un alma que siempre es otra en cada uno de los malecones-. « Martín Adán

“The sea is a soul that we had, that we don't know where it is, that we barely remember ours -a soul that is always another one in each of the seawalls. " Martín Adán

“Amy, in heaven I'll look for you, my love. Wait for me babe”.

¿Recuerdas los paseos a la Costa Verde? Los domingos saliendo en el viejo Volkswagen, serpenteando las curvas de los malecones junto al mar. Luego por la bajada a la playa, para finalmente cruzar el oscuro túnel de la Herradura gritando para escuchar nuestro eco. Del payaso del parque Salazar. Y en el mismo parque, de los vendedores de globos y flotadores. De los poetas y pintores sentados en los precipicios, de los enamorados furtivos que se besaban entre los arbustos y la neblina del invierno. Más al norte… qué extraño era pasear cerca de un orfanatorio centenario al costado de un acantilado. De aquellos edificios residenciales, blancos y sucios frente a una playa peligrosa, playas de desmonte junto a leones marinos muertos y donde de vez en cuando deambulaban crías huérfanas. ¿Recuerdas cuando vimos un suicida, reposando debajo del Puente Villena en nuestro camino a la playa? ¿Y que al lado de donde se lanzaban al vacío, existe un espacio llamado “Parque del Amor”?...¿De los restos del antiguo malecón de Chorrillos, vestigio de un terremoto?, ahí cerca los pelícanos rogaban por algo de comida en el muelle de pescadores. ¿Te acuerdas de los bizarros monumentos de la guerra con Chile en el Morro, que comparten espacio con el humilde planetario? Cuando regreso, rio y lloro al mismo tiempo. ¿Será que el malecón simboliza algo que perdí? ¿O algo que encontré? No quiero que olvides, es necesario recordar, retornar a las imágenes, tienen que ser vívidas y con detalles, o una parte de nosotros no habrá existido. Quizás en ese lugar nos despedimos y fuimos felices por última vez.

Do you remember the trips to the Costa Verde? Sundays going out in the old Volkswagen, winding around the curves of the boardwalks by the sea. Then down the descent to the beach, to finally cross the dark tunnel of the La Herradura screaming to hear our own echo . The clown in Salazar Park. And in the same park, the sellers of balloons and floats. The poets and painters sitting on the cliffs, the furtive lovers kissing among the bushes and the winter fog. Further north... how strange it was to walk near a century-old orphanage on the side of a cliff. Those residential buildings, white and dirty in front of a dangerous beach, beaches of clearing next to dead sea lions, where from time to time, orphaned pups wandered. Do you remember when we saw a suicide, resting under the Villena Bridge on our way to the beach? And that next to where they threw jumped into the void, there is a space called "Parque del Amor"?...The remains of the old seawall of Chorrillos, a vestige of an earthquake? Do you remember the bizarre monuments of the war with Chile at the Morro hill, which shares space with the humble planetarium? When I return, I laugh and cry at the same time. Could it be that the boardwalk symbolizes something I lost? Or something I found? I don't want you to forget, it is necessary to remember, to return to the images, they have to be vivid and with details, or a part of us will not have existed. Maybe in that place we said goodbye and were happy for the last time.

Lucila y Victor, La Herradura, Mayo de 1985